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Inner Blog

Amazed at your positive responses,we give you some of our awesome interior cleaning hacks

Use of a vacuum

You must be using vacuum cleaners at home,right? Ever think of their use in cars?Well,as much vacuum cleaning is important in homes,your car needs some vacuuming too. Starting from seats,carpets, and mats to headliner, rear cargo area and trunk,all are vacuumed to clean debris.

How to get rid of the stingy stains?

Stains are man’s enemy,specially the tough ones that are hard to get rid off.Sure you must be tired of these unwanted guests on your car’s mat or carpet.Now,it is time to say goodbye to them.We will give your car floor,mats and carpets a tedious scrubbing and brushing to make those stains go away.

Making sure the stains are gone through steam cleaning

If the stains do not 100% disappear,still no worry.To get rid of the touch stains in carpets and seats,steam cleaning is a more useful process that we arrange for.

A clear view

Obviously, you don’t want to see the outside through hazy car windows. A clear windshield is a must for the driver or else the vision will be blurred.We make those windows and windshields crystal clear in your car, through glass cleaning. This is done with full attention to the glasses only.

Leather trimming

To condition, the leather parts of your car is very important.A leather cleaner and soap are used by us to clean any leather part of the vehicle.

What smells awesome, feels awesome too!

A deodorant is often sprayed inside the car to bring back the brand-new smell of a clean, shiny car. Perfuming your car is one of our favorites.

Avail of our professional car detailing service at Clean Image to get a nice-smelling, sparkling car and drive back home with full satisfaction.

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